Saturday, August 21, 2010

Crazy in the heat

There is something in the heat. People are going crazy. And some people are just clueless about their bad manners, their idiocy, just clueless.

Sunday, August 8, 2010


it is uncomfortably hot in town. I prefer the air conditioning of my house than the hot and humid outdoors.

i'm in a mixed mood. sort of pleased with myself. sort of tired. sort of wishing for the next step in my publishing career - the all important CHECK as well as the title and release date.  It's been agonizing waiting all this time.

i want very much to help launch my young discovery.... it's been interesting learning about his personality - the how and why he reacts to things.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


i like making people happy. i am a mirror. my joy is watching other people's joy.  what would the shrink say about that?

Thursday, August 5, 2010


long day today. hot.  and I'm mildly irritated at my new friends who seem evasive about a couple issues regarding money and roles.  I'm not going to go down that path again. A part of me just wants to enjoy life, another part of me wants to fix the errors of the past.


Had a weird dream that this guy I knew hooked up with a friendgirl at the House of Spirits.  I was annoyed. I asked, "If you can hook up with her, why don't you ask her to help you?"

And he was very nonchalant that he was just getting laid, and not asking for help.

So odd, so real.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kick Ass

it actually says inscribed in my wedding band "Together, we'll Kick Ass."

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Love and Human Remains

Never saw the movie but was always intrigued by the title.

Crazy Girl is very off.  It's not just fandom. It's not just infatuation. It's this odd ownership.  And for a frustrated young man who is yearning for freedom, it's sad to see him ordered around like that. He flashes a little bit of irritation, but I get the feeling that he has sort of gotten used to his odd circle.

Time to grow!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Duh

Ah, regrets. I wish I was in the same city with my family.  But on the other hand, I had to pursue my dreams wherever they lead me.  And I'm sometimes sad it lead me so far away.